My Story
The day after Trump’s inauguration, I dried my tears and held my head high. I marched alongside women, men and children all over the world to speak out against a growing list of concerns—from healthcare, environmental threats, hateful rhetoric, racial justice, discrimination to women’s rights and so many more issues. I saw in my community a desire to rise up, to voice their opinion about how this country should be run. It was inspiring to say the least. I saw mothers and fathers with children of all ages, some on shoulders, others pushed in strollers. I saw teenagers tuned in to what was happening, marching with their friends. I saw my neighbors and community members of all ages coming together, and that brought me to tears.
I knew I wanted to do more than march, I wanted to gather the community around me to lift up those working tirelessly for good and keep that feeling we had on the street going each and every day.
Still We Rise was born as a direct push back to the horrid ‘Muslim Ban’. I wanted to support the ACLU who was on the front lines, defending their clients for free. I chose to mobilize on Instagram because it's what we're all scrolling on the daily and I figured by making this fundraiser accessible on Instagram I'd get the biggest response.
It was time to gather up and rally the troops for this fundraiser and the wave of support I received was overwhelming. I reached out to every single brand, artist and shop owner I knew, asking for a donation for the auction and asking everyone involved to help spread the word. Every single one said "Yes!"
Our first fundraiser supported The ACLU and we brought in over 15k. Since our first fundraiser in the Spring of 2017 we raised over $1 Million Dollars for the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Natural Resources Defense Council, Texas Civil Liberties Project, Everytown, Emily’s List, Innovation Law Lab, Raices, Moms Demand Action, No Kid Hungry, Local Food Banks, Circle of Health, National Abortion Network, Black Lives Matter, Win Both Seats, Movement for Black Lives, World Central Kitchen, Equal Justice Initiative and Southern Poverty Law Center.
There are many more organizations worth this spotlight and we look forward to adding to this list of organizations.
As Still We Rise finds it’s footing in a post-Trump era we are focused on many of the same issues, continuing to support them and always looking for where our community can come together collectively to shine our light on and raise funds for.